Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Revising my GAME plan

During this process I have learned to collaborate with my peers. By collaborating with my colleagues I am able to apply what I learn to my instructional practice.
The goal that I am still working on is to design and develop digital-age learning experience and assessments. This is a goal that is a work in progress. I have begun to implement digital-age learning experiences but the second half of that which is dealing with digital learning assessments is one that will require some time and commitment with my grade level team.
Based on the NETS-T a new learning goal that I have set for myself is teaching my students to think critically, problem solve, and make decisions. This is a skill that many students in elementary school and even through high school lack and it is necessary for being successful in life.
In order to improve my learning the next time I will communicate better with those around me and gain knowledge from those who can help me attain my goals. I will research collaboratively and continue to look for opportunities that benefit my students.


  1. Your next goal is an important to me. I teach gifted students, but I think all students need a real shot in the arm of decision-making and problem-solving skills. Technology and informational literacy affords so many opportunities for that. What are some activities you would use for improving critical thinking? I am always on the lookout for good ideas.

  2. Here is one site I like about Responsible Thinking:

  3. I think it is very important to teach students the critical thinking, problem solving and decision making skills. I am also working on this goal and it's sometimes such a challenge with my special education students. Thanks, Heather for sharing the site about Responsible Thinking. I checked it out and it looks like a good one.

  4. Hi Sarah,

    Have you considered using clickers in your classroom that measure assessment. This is one technology related assessment that I have used in my classroom that I find works very well. Decision-making and problem-solving skills are so very important. If your children are poverty-based then you already have good problem solvers in your room. Children who are struggling with poverty are always very good statistically in problem solving. Since you teach second grade, it is very important that you model this for your students since this is something that they can use throughout the rest of their schooling. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hi Sarah,

    I have decided that collaborating more with out technology team just makes more sense. It is easier to explain my goals to them and find out potential problems ahead of time.
