Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Evaluating Your GAME Plan Progress

The actions that I have taken in order to meet my goals has been a process that is taking quite a bit of time. It is easy to think of new and different ways to enhance my classroom and instruction but thinking and doing are two different things. My goals were to inspire student learning and creativity, and design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments.

Although inspiring student learning and creativity is the quicker of the two, both require an extensive amount of planning and preparation. I have learned that incorporating technology into my plans takes a large amount of time. Between meetings, responsibilities, and teaching there is not a lot of time left over in the day to include things that I would like.

However, technology tools that I have slowly started to incorporate have made a difference and allow the students to think in a new and different way. Technology definitely holds their attention and engagement.

One thing that I need to learn is where to find appropriate educational resources. A lot of time can be wasted on the Internet while looking for helpful things. Many sites are not applicable and don’t always offer what I have in mind. Therefore, I find myself giving up or getting frustrated when I don’t see what I would like to use.

This plan can be adjusted to fit my current needs by including parent involvement. I teach in a low income school where students struggle to be self sufficient. If they were able to use technology in small groups with a parent, myself, or volunteer facilitating each group I think there would be greater success.


  1. Sarah, I think you are really on to something with the parent involvement. It would make such a large impact on the student and family if learning could be more of a family affair. I wonder what would be a good strategy to go about this though when there is a good chance that the parents know even less than the students. Does your district have community adult learning centers that teach basic computer skills? If so, they might also be another good resource for your students- as well as giving the volunteers confidence in their new knowledge.

  2. Hello Sarah,
    I agree with you about wasting time hunting down different resources on the Internet. I like your idea of getting parents involved to work with small groups. I think kids love having their parents at school involved in what they are learning. Unfortunately, there are so many single parents that are working 2 jobs just keep their family going and can't afford time away from work.
    Good Luck

  3. Hi Sarah,

    I hope you won't let yourself be discouraged! I agree, adding technology to the classroom does take time. But I believe it's worth it. Personally, I've found that once you put one project together, the next one is easier! Your idea to involve parent and communitiy volunteers is a good should definitely explore that avenue! Keep smiling!

  4. Hi Sarah,
    I was also amazed at how much time students waste while researching on the internet. Many became frustrated because the answer did not pop out at them. I have to keep reminding myself to take small steps on this adventure.
