Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Utilizing Blogs in the Classroom

Although a blog based on showcasing student work would be ideal, I think that I would use my blog for students to interact through content. I would use blogs in my second grade classroom for social studies and science. I believe that this activity would enhance the lesson by allowing students to share their views and ideas, read what others are thinking, and respond according to what they believe. Blogging will also stir up controversy. Each child will not always have the same opinion, therefore, students can express themselves using their words to provide details for their position. Blogging provides an additional way for instruction. It will undoubtedly get the class interested. They will listen more intently so that they may be able to blog effectively.


  1. How would you incorporate student use of blogs in the area of science and social studies into your classroom schedule? I always find that time is an issue with these subjects (there is not enough of it). Do each of your students have access to a computer in the classroom? This is the only way I see that blogging in these subjects could be implemented. I suppose you could set up workstations to accomplish this task, but even then it would take a while for all students to post a blog with very few computers in the classroom. These are some of the challenges I see with blogging in these content areas. Do you have any ideas or suggestions on overcoming these challenges?

  2. Since I teach older students, I have a question about second graders being able to effectively blog. Can they? Seven years old seems awfully young - I am most impressed if they're able to get their thoughts down in a written form, much less online. Would you use parent volunteers to maybe help this process?

  3. One way that i motivate students is with "paticipation credit" they dont quite know what it is but they all want it. By saying participation credit i get my students do just about anything outside of the classroom in their own homes. So many times times my blog assignments would be given as homework

  4. Second graders are more capable then one might think when it comes to expressing themselves. I believe that the alpha smarts would get them used to the practice of typing their ideas down. As far as blogging goes, with so few computers in the classroom, I would take my classroom to the computer lab which is readily available. Other times I can put students in groups and have them blog by teams. In science and social studies my students could blog according to what we are studying. They could ask questions or give opinions.
